Pine Haven Condominium Association
Login | Register
About Us
Sales And Rental Agreements
Procedures for Parking Permits
Contact Us
Photo Gallery
Our Location
Clubhouse Usage
Pool Usage/FOBs
Owner's Payment Portal
Board Members
Property Management Information
News and Annoucements
Current Association Documents
Meeting Minutes
Vendor Contracts
Gate Information
Wind Mitigations
Membership Directory
Hurricane Prepardness
Upcoming Events
Projects & Maintenance Info

Our Community Website was developed to serve as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and our local community.  Please feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.  Pine Haven is a great community located in sunny Bonita Springs, Florida.  Please note that you must be a deeded homeowner to access the private areas of this website.
~ Neighborhood News ~
WEBSITE UPDATED:December 27, 2025
What's New:
Updated Rules and Regulation
September 2024 Financial Statement
2024 Approved Budget
Pool Hours : Dawn to Dusk
Guest passes will be for two weeks only.  If additional time is needed a second pass can be granted.  The total of the two passes cannot exceed the 30 day period.  Anyone over thirty days must complete paperwork and submit to the board for approval.
You must have a bar code to enter the gate.  Guests or individual vendors to units must use the key pad to call the number assigned to your unit in order to enter through the gate.  Anyone visiting or doing work at your unit must call you for entry as well.  
Very Important:  The security company will be looking at all vehicles parked in Pine Haven in order to verify that they meet Pine Haven's parking and leasing requirements.  All vehicles must have a valid bar code on their car. It is imperative that you have a bar code on your vehicle.  Registered owners of Pine Haven may visit the Gate information tab for more updated information on this web site.
All members must have a bar code on the car in order to gain entry into the community.  Renters must have a completed current lease and current application on file every year.  Bar codes will be deactivated for any expired leases.

Please login to view this area.

~ Property Management ~
To access the Web Portal at Guardian use this link
This link is also available in the “Owner’s Payment Portal” section of this website at the bottom of that page   For those who are registering into the web portal for the first time at Guardian, you will need to click on the register button first.  Once you click on the register button, you will need to fill in the information requested.  You MUST use your Pine Haven address when registering so that the system can locate you.  Once you complete the form, you will receive a password to the portal.  Please save this password.
Those who have already registered need to input your user ID (your email address that you used to register) and password.
Once registered you can see your own accounting file.   Board members , if they so choose, will have access to specific information such as current financial information.  The system is being updated so that in the future you can see more detailed information such as detailed history of your payments.
Please mail all payments with or without your coupons to the following address:
Pine Haven Condominium
% Cinc Systems
PO Box 20286
Tampa, FL 33622-0286
In order to not delay the posting of your payments , all checks must have the unit number on the memo portion of the check and must be payable to your association and not to the property management company
All Estoppel requests (payoff and other amounts needed for the sale closing of a unit) are $250.00 and are to be sent to:
Guardian Property Management
Attn: Monica Wiggins
6704 Lone Oak Blvd.
Naples, FL  34109

~ Upcoming Events ~
No Events at this time.

~ Don't Forget ~
Parking is enforced.  No parking on the grass, sidewalks or blocking the streets or in another designated parking space.  Violators will be booted at the owners expense. All vehicles must have a bar code or a parking pass on the vehicle in order to park overnight.
Garbage must be placed inside the dumpster.  All recycle materials must be placed in the recycle bins.  No garbage is to be placed in the recycle bins.  The Waste Management company will not pick it up if it is contaminated.
Pool fobs for the access gate to the pool can be purchased thru Guardian Property Management during normal business hours.   Renters must have a valid lease in place in order to purchase a pool fob.